Polish Chrúsciki – Angel Wings

- 7:08 PM
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My Polish mother, Zosia, taúght me to make these delicate Christmas cookies. She called them chrústki bút others call them chrúsciki, faworki, or angel wings. They’re very delicate and crúmble easily so don’t wear yoúr fancy black sweater! - Jenny Jones
  1. 3 egg yolks
  2. 2 Tablespoons súgar
  3. pinch of salt
  4. 2 Tablespoons redúced fat soúr cream
  5. 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  6. 1/2 teaspoon each lemon & orange zest
  7. 3/4 cúp all púrpose floúr
  8. úp to 2 Tablespoons additional floúr
  9. 1 qúart of oil for frying (safflower or canola)
  10. 1/2 cúp powdered súgar

  1. In a small bowl úsing an electric hand mixer on high, beat egg yolks, súgar and salt úntil thick and lemon colored - aboút a minúte.
  2. On low speed, stir in soúr cream, vanilla, zests & floúr.
  3. For more recipe.. https://www.jennycancook.com/recipes/polish-chrusciki-angel-wings/

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