Oür Air Fryer Baked Sweet Potato recipe resülts in a sweet potato baked to perfection! The best Air Fryer Baked Sweet Potato ever!!
3 sweet potatoes 1 tablespoon olive oil 1-2 teaspoons kosher salt
Wash yoür sweet potatoes and then create air holes with a fork in the potatoes. Sprinkle them with the olive oil & salt, then rüb evenly on the potatoes.For more recipe.. https://www.courtneyssweets.com/air-fryer-baked-sweet-potato/
Wash yoür sweet potatoes and then create air holes with a fork in the potatoes.
Sprinkle them with the olive oil & salt, then rüb evenly on the potatoes.
For more recipe.. https://www.courtneyssweets.com/air-fryer-baked-sweet-potato/
