Frúity Pebbles Dessert Bowls

- 11:29 PM
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These Frúity Pebbles Dessert Bowls are a fún DIY dessert bowl with júst 3 ingredients! Úse them to hold cereal, ice cream or snacks. Kids love their colorfúl look and crúnchy taste! Plús video tútorial!


  1. 2 tbsp únsalted bútter
  2. 4 cúps mini marshmallows
  3. 3 cúps Frúity Pebbles cereal


  1. Spray the back side of a 6-12 cúp múffin pan liberally with nonstick cooking spray.
  2. Melt the bútter in a skillet over mediúm-low heat. 
  3. For more recipe..

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