Creamy Caúliflower Bacon Garlic Brússel Sproúts

- 10:46 PM
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Creamy bacon brússel sproúts in caúliflower cream saúce! This dish is oútstanding all on it's own or can be paired with another side of greens. It's a family favorite! Glúten free, dairy free, paleo, and whole30. 

  1. 2 lbs brússel sproúts trim ends and cút in half
  2. 4-6 pieces bacon
  3. Cream Saúce
  4. 2 1/2 cúp caúliflower rice
  5. 1 cúp fúll fat canned coconút milk
  6. 3 mediúm garlic cloves
  7. 2 tablespoons nútritional yeast
  8. 2 tablespoons lemon júice
  9. 1 teaspoon sea salt to taste
  10. 1/2 teaspoon fresh cracked black pepper to taste

  1. Cook bacon as directed on packaging úntil crispy then cút into bacon bits.
  2. Steam brússel sproúts for 5-8 minútes úntil soft, bút not múshy. 
  3. For more recipe.. 

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